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Just Like Mom Used to Make


At Ohio Living Llanfair, we are proud to make most of our meals from scratch and source them locally as often as possible. Menus rotate every week so there’s always something new to look forward to, and dinner specials change every day.

We also take our residents’ tastes into account, meeting with them monthly to discuss their likes, dislikes and ideas. At one of these meetings a resident submitted a recipe that her mother, who had passed away many years ago, used to make for her family. The beloved kielbasa dish was a favorite throughout her childhood, and she longed to taste it again.

Our culinary team was determined to recreate the recipe for the resident. They made a trial batch for her to test and adjusted the recipe until they got it just right. Finally, they were able to offer it as an evening menu special. So not only did the resident get to experience her mother’s kielbasa dish again after many years, she was able to share it with her friends at Ohio Living Llanfair as well.


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