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tech saavy

Many people think of teens and young adults as being the most tech-savvy, but older adults are using social platforms, email and other technology at an increasing rate – much to their benefit.

Prior to the technology boom, the main sources for socializing included writing letters, making phone calls and joining clubs, religious groups or volunteer programs. Today, many adults are communicating online, which makes it easier and faster to get updates from family and friends.

Email remains the primary choice of adults for digital interaction and communication, with 59 percent of people over the age of 65 using email and search engines like Google. In addition, 56 percent of this same age group is also on Facebook. Although this number may seem small, it has jumped substantially within the last several years.

There are a variety of social benefits to adults who use technology, the biggest of which is staying in touch by sharing and viewing family photos. Tech-savvy adults can also experience notable health benefits – such as reduced rates of depression and improvement in memory and cognitive function – by playing games, listening to music, reading the news and watching TV.

Believe it or not, technology can help you be happier and healthier! Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to learn, which is why many of our communities offer a variety of technology classes. To learn more, call your local Ohio Living community today.

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