
What is Coffee Time? As an active community, we value lifelong learning.  Coffee Time is a free event that provides an opportunity to learn something new through an engaging presentation. Socialize while enjoying fresh-baked breakfast treats at 10 a.m. followed by a scheduled speaker at 10:30 a.m.


Tuesday, August 13 at 10 a.m.

Heritage Pointe, 11th floor Community Room


People-to-People: A Visit with Everyday Cubans




Join Gary and Susan Berntson as they take us to what’s behind the classic cars and politics of the mysterious island called Cuba. They have visited Cuba twice in small “People-to-People” group tours which focused on direct contact with the local residents and their culture. What they found surprised and delighted (and at times saddened) them. Prepare to glance behind the scenes as we journey to what the Berntsons call the “real” Cuba, not just the one presented to the outside world.





To RSVP to Coffee Time, fill out the form below or call us at 614.228.8888.