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There’s No Place Like Home

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Therapy team helps rehab guest reach goals

When Gene Drabek came to Ohio Living Lake Vista for rehab last fall, he already knew his ultimate goal: to go home to his family.

Complications after an ankle injury had resulted in an ICU stay that took an additional toll on Gene’s health. When he arrived at our campus, he was only able to take two steps; but he discussed his goals with the therapy team and they created a custom recovery plan together.

It was difficult at first, but Gene’s physical therapist Rick Gaca gently pushed him to keep working toward his goal. Soon, therapy was the best part of Gene’s day. “He would complete his exercises and then come back on his own in the afternoon to work out some more,” said Rick. “Eventually he didn’t mind the workout because he knew it got him closer to going home.”

Gene’s hard work quickly began to show results, though he credits the staff who supported him with much of his success. “The care that was provided by the nurses and aides was unbelievably good,” Gene remembered. “The therapists were easy to talk to and get along with – I looked forward to sessions where we could talk about football and current events.”

Within six weeks, Gene had gone from taking two steps to walking our entire facility with his walker. After reaching his goal of returning home to his family, Gene set another big goal for himself: He returned to Ohio Living Lake Vista for outpatient therapy so he could continue recovering his strength and stamina – and now walks a mile and a half at the Eastwood Mall!

We are so impressed by Gene’s determination and hard work, and are proud to have been a part of his success. “After 30 years of providing physical therapy, it still feels good to see someone graduate from rehab,” said Rick. “It’s so satisfying to know that I helped them get well enough to go home.”


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